• Relationships,  Uncategorized

    Things that men may not know about women.

      Things that men may not know about women. (The use of men and women is used for simplicity and no offence is meant for other genders. Which ever gender you identify with, there are things here you will relate to) Advice for MEN! Please bear in mind that the following is a generalisation and of course there are the exceptions and where roles may reverse.    I defy anyone who says different genders are the same. Men and women are poles apart and whoever our maker was, did not do a great job aligning the together, for example: A man creates testosterone when he is angry – women do…

  • Affairs,  cheating,  Relationships,  Separation

    How Can I Tell That My Partner Is Having An Affair?

        ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’.                     Sir Walter Scott   PREFACE The following is purely experiential, based on 34years counselling people who are having or have had affairs. Therefore, any statistics or opinions quoted are my own.   WHAT IS AN AFFAIR? Affairs are relationships outside of marriage or intimate partnerships where an illicit, romantic or sexual relationship or passionate attachment occurs. Affairs are commonly described as; infidelity, cheating, adultery, a mistake, one-off, extramarital affairs, a fling, dalliance, affairs of the heart, an indiscretion, meaningless act and many more expressions. It is…