• Affairs,  cheating,  Relationships,  Separation

    How Can I Tell That My Partner Is Having An Affair?

        ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’.                     Sir Walter Scott   PREFACE The following is purely experiential, based on 34years counselling people who are having or have had affairs. Therefore, any statistics or opinions quoted are my own.   WHAT IS AN AFFAIR? Affairs are relationships outside of marriage or intimate partnerships where an illicit, romantic or sexual relationship or passionate attachment occurs. Affairs are commonly described as; infidelity, cheating, adultery, a mistake, one-off, extramarital affairs, a fling, dalliance, affairs of the heart, an indiscretion, meaningless act and many more expressions. It is…

  • Relationships

    I am not happy in our relationship … How can I communicate it?

    Many ways to communicate: Speech Facial expressions Body language Eye contact What is not said Silence We pick up all kinds of messages through body language and sometimes this medium is more truthful that actual words. Body language is usually done on a sub conscious level where as speech is more often conscious. We can lie much more easily with words than we can with body language. We filter our listening: We hear things through a barrier; this barrier can be called our conditioning which evolves through our family values, norms, emotions, belief systems etc.  We hear things which we want to hear or sometimes which we particularly do not…